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How can I miss you if you don’t go away?

December 21, 2011

Wow, I cannot believe how I have neglected this blog. It’s certainly not for lack of love or having anything to say about Sweet Caroline. It is primarily a lack of time. Toddler mom’s new and old know exactly how that goes. I have precious few hours of the day to get things done and I guess blogging has taken a backseat.

It’s too bad really because I have loved having this record of Caroline first few years. Yes, I said years!! We are rapidly approaching her second birthday. Today she looks more like a little girl than a baby.


And she acts like a little girl too. She speaks in sentences and can tell me what she wants (Gummies!) as well as answer my questions (No!). She LOVES Dora the Explorer, acts like a little Mommy to her dolls and is going to go insane when she sees the tricycle the jolly, fat man is bringing her for Christmas. She knows her ABCs, can identify most letters and can count to 20.

As you can see, the hair is finally growing in.

ImageShe continues to be an absolute joy. We have been so lucky that she is a good communicator because that has really limited those toddler meltdowns. Oh, she has them, but they tend to be more about being denied something she wants rather than frustration at not being about to convey her message.

I know that the challenges are coming. As she turns 2, we will likely have to start thinking about discipline as she will undoubtedly start trying to test our limits.

Turning 2 is certainly bittersweet. She is most definitely not a baby anymore and we will soon be taking on potty training. On one hand I am sad to see her leave the baby stage behind but I love seeing who she is turning out to be.

I’ll get my baby fix soon enough though. Caroline is going to be a big sister in less than 8 weeks (that’s how long I’ve neglected this blog). Her little brother will be here in February and while I know that will come with sibling rivalry and other challenges, I think she is going to be an amazing big sister.

Hopefully, I will update more soon. I am getting a new camera for Christmas and an iPhone for my birthday. I’m hopeful those will both inspire me to record things more.

One Comment leave one →
  1. December 21, 2011 3:44 pm

    big girl is just as cute as ever! šŸ™‚

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